Thursday, 11 November 2010

Ideas & Industry

Tuesday was split in to two parts, where we took part in two entirely different activities. The morning session was our first group tutorial with Darren. To be honest, it was not at all what I expected, and speaking to other students, I realise a lot of people feel the same. The main point in the session was idea generation, using the technique we learnt in the idea workshop. This was helpful, especially talking to the other students in my group and gaining feedback from our ideas, however I had already put a lot of work in to my research and I though it would be more focused on showing what we had actually come up with.

In the afternoon, we had PPD with Catherine, where we learnt a bit about the industry and how to go about applying for internships and work placements. Our first task was to name as many design agencies as we could, and it was astonishing how few the whole class as a collective came up with. Obviously every group wrote down Pentagram. So, to widen our knowledge of perhaps less well know agencies, we were given the website , and the task to find three pieces of design we liked from three design agencies we had not heard of before.

Our group found these three images from 'Pearlfisher Designs', 'The Partners' and 'Purpose.'

Pearlfisher designed this for Jamie Olivers range of products. The unusual contrast of colours stood out to me, as well as the simplicity of the design and the simple but effective layout of the 'Jme' logo in the middle. Also, the layout of the three deisgns is clever, as it is how you would see cutlery set out on a table.


The Partners designed this piece for a hotel, and what is really effective is the image and colour use, as white gloves symbolise cleanliness, which is what you look for in a hotel. The simplicity and white-on-white use is also very eye-catching.

This magazine layout by 'Purpose' design caught my eye, because of the flowing layout, spreading the image over a number of pages. The quality and colour of the image next to the small block of text also made the magazine layout successful in my eyes.

After evaluating and talking about everyone else's work we managed to build up quite a collection of new design agencies including; Hulger, ImageNow, Font Fabric, N1, Lava, Paradise, Poke, OnedotZero, Nexush, Paula Troxler, G2Works, Rudd Studios, Proud Creative and 999. This will be helpful for our new task, as Catherine gave us the task to find 5 more images from design agencies we hadn't heard of to look at in our spare time. I shall blog my findings soon!

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